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The application of the grey clustering method to assess the eutrophication of lake of Liwan
中文关键词:  灰色聚类法,湖泊富营养化,灰色系统
英文关键词:grey clustering methods,entrophication of lake,grey system
朱庆峰  廖秀丽  陈新庚  张淑娟
中山大学环境科学研究所,中山大学环境科学研究所,中山大学环境科学研究所,中山大学环境科学研究所 广东 广州 510275,广东 广州 510275,广东 广州 510275,广东 广州 510275
摘要点击次数: 17450
全文下载次数: 22
      This paper studies lake system as a grey system, applies the grey system theory to assess the the eutrophication of lake, and exemplifies the lake of Liwan,in the city of Guangzhou, firstly establishing the functions of different clustering indices, secondly ascertaining the value of clustering weight, thirdly obtaining the maximum clustering coefficient and the clustering outcomes, lastly drawing a conclusion that the application of the grey clustering method to assess the eutrophication of lake not only embodies the fuzzy property of grading sideline of water quality, but also can utilizes adequately information, avoides the irrationality of fuzzy mathematical assessing method. Therefore, the grey clustering is a simple, convenient, external and reliable method.
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