持久性有机污染物(POPs)的环境问题与研究进展 |
Environmental issue and study progress of persistent organic pollutants(POPs) |
修订日期:2003-06-13 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 持久性有机污染物(POPs),生物积累,环境监测,环境安全性,多氯二苯并对二 |
英文关键词:persistent organic pollutants(POPs),bioaccumulation,environmental monitoring,enviromental security,polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs) |
基金项目: |
谢武明 胡勇有 刘焕彬 许振成 |
华南理工大学造纸与环境工程学院 广东广州 510640
(谢武明,胡勇有,刘焕彬) ,国家环保总局华南环境科学研究所 广东广州51(许振成)
摘要点击次数: 24730 |
全文下载次数: 14 |
中文摘要: |
对持久性有机污染物(persistentorganicpollutants:POPs)的定义、来源和特征进行了介绍。阐述了POPs对环境安全性构成威胁的原因。分析了持久性有机污染物,特别是12类优先控制的"dirtydozen"的环境污染状况,并分析了这些物质在全球大气、水体和土壤中存在的量和来源。这些物质在不同生物体内的浓度存在差异,反映出它们在食物链上的生物累积和放大,也加剧了对环境和人体的毒害作用。总结回顾了有关POPs的相关基础研究,并对将来继续深入研究和对环境监测的指导意义进行了展望。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper,the definition,resources and characteristics of persistent organic pollutants were introduced. This paper described the cause why POPs threatens the environment. The pollution status of POPs (especially the "dirty dozen") and the quantity and resources of them in the atmosphere, waters and soil were analysed. The concentrations of them in biota were compared, showing that the POPs were adsorbed at the base of food web and bioaccumulation and biomagnified to significant levels at higher trophic levels and threatened the environment and the man stronger. The relevant basic researches were reviewed, and the following deeper researches and guidance for environment monitoring were predicted. |
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